
Pastor Roger Siegrist

Bethany Bible Fellowship Church

Wilburton Road in Mt. Carmel

Bethany Bible Fellowship Church, located in Mt. Carmel, has recently welcomed Roger Siegrist as their new pastor.  He and his family were previously located in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, where he was the pastor of a small community church.   He and his wife, along with their five children, completed the three thousand mile journey cross country to come back to their roots in Pennsylvania,  as Roger was born and raised in Lancaster county.

Roger received his formal training from Lancaster Bible College and Cairn (formerly PBU).  After working with several small churches in Delaware county, Roger and his family received the call to minister in California.  He served as pastor there for nearly 7 years before being called to return to Pennsylvania.

He and his family are excited to minister to the community of Mt. Carmel and surrounding areas.  Roger has a strong desire to see the transformative power of the gospel message proclaimed and lived out in the lives of the people.  He enjoys encouraging others to deepen their faith and see God’s purpose worked out in their lives.  He believes this can be best accomplished by relationally investing in the lives in the community surrounding each of us.  In his spare time, Roger enjoys watching sports, spending time with family, and savoring all the Pennsylvania delicacies that he missed while in California.

Roger would like to invite all to come and take part in the life-changing work that God is accomplishing in and through Bethany Bible Fellowship Church.

Roger and his Family

Pastor Roger was officially ordinated into the BFC conference in October 2021 at the annual conference.

Here is the picture of the ceremony.